Monday, August 18, 2014

I Don't Need Modern Feminisim

What?! This is blasphemy! Sacrilege!  A woman not believing in modern feminisim?! Yes you read that correctly. Now let me tell you why.
The feminist movement, in the beginning, started off with good intentions. It was a movement for equality for all and empowerment. Women gained so much. The right the vote, the right to own a business/property, the right to equality in the work place and fair pay, the right to her own financial affairs, the right to decide what to do with their body, and so on. In today's society feminisim has sadly evolved to a movement fuelled by animosity towards men, and women believing that they are superior simply because of chromosomes and anatomy. It has evolved into a sexist movement. Whoa, pretty radical thinking, huh?  Excuse me if I'm wrong, but wasn't the intentions of this movement suppose to support equality, not superiority? 
My belief is that I am not owed anything simply because I was born with a vagina. I have worked my ass off for everything I've accomplished, and I'd rather be seen as an equal to my male peers only because of that. I don't need special treatment because I'm a "minority".
I don't need a group of women telling me that I'm inferior, silly, or ignorant because my biggest dream in life is to become a housewife, and that im dependant and submissive because of that. If you really knew me, youd know im anything but. I dont need a group of women to tell me that I'm mentally unstable because I loved being pregnant and that I loved birthing my child. I don't need a group of women tell me that I should fear all men because you never know when one of them could sexually assault or abuse me. Last time I checked, men were just as susceptible to abuse and/or rape by a woman/women. Rape and abuse is not just a woman issue. Not all men are the same, so I will never treat every man as such. I don't need a group of women tell me that because I refuse to fear all men that I deserved it when I did get sexually assaulted and abused. I refuse to claim that I'm a victim. I am a survivor. I don't need to be a martyr. I also don't need women telling me that my significant other owes me a living for bearing our daughter, in the event that we should split. I refuse to be "superior" to men. Even in the bible, it states that Eve came from Adams ribs. Not his foot, not created without him, but from his side because she was his equal. I'm paraphrasing,  but you catch my drift.
Our grandmothers and great grandmother's would be ashamed of what feminisim has become today. That we are trashing what they had worked so hard for. Equality. Since when did our ancestors fight for our rights to belittle each other for having different beliefs and values? We shouldn't be wasting our time hating each other and finding ways to be catty simply because some of us don't want to be superior. We should be empowering each other and supporting one another (including males) to accomplish everything in life that we wish to pursue, and fight for our right to be equal to one another.
I don't support modern feminisim.  I support equality. 

© Danielle Hunnicutt 2014


    Hi Hunni. It's really great that other views on women are expressed. There are feminists who take really extreme views - that men are pure evil, and women are pure good. That is silly. Feminism, to describe all of the women who are saying all sorts of things on all sorts of issues, seems to end up with many women having it in for all feminists and everything they say.

    My favourite role model is Abbie Conant. Her story shows what issues women are up against - often from men who don't know they have issues with women. This link tells her amazing story. I wouldn't call her a feminist. She was just a woman who stood up for herself. I would really like it if you read it and tell me what you think. I have a Facebook page called WOMB - Positive Feminism. I hope its mostly the things that you would not criticise - but gives a good commenary on women. Anyway here it is

    1. You lost all credibility at "often from men who don't know they have issues with women."

      Please prove that assertion. Please provide fact or evidence to support your claim. Of course you can't support it, so you're probably going to come at this with the typical Feminism Logical Fallacies and Vitriol.

      I wouldn't expect anything less. But, someone had to call you out on this stuff.

      By the way, we guys might give more cred. to the Feminist movement if you femininists actually removed the radicals from your ranks and toned down the rhetoric. Maybe even form up with groups like A Voice for Men and formed an Equal Rights Coalition. However, I'm not going to hold my breath.

    2. How exactly does one 'remove the radicals'? Its not like there is a membership card that can be revoked. Are you advocating murder? If so, that is pretty messed up.

      A lot of men don't realize until later in life that they have issues with women. No one needs to prove that to you. Do your own research. Stop reading only what confirms views you already have. Open your mind.

    3. How does one 'remove the radicals'? Well, you start by showing them that their BS is not welcome. That's accomplished by 'ripping them a new one'.

      As for 'open your mind', this is usually really means 'just agree with me'. If you've got some step by step method of being 'open minded', I'd love to hear it.

  2. Wonderful blog. It is great to see that people are now seeing a different side of feminism, hypocrisy and misandrist ideology!

  3. I'm so glad I read this, your ideas are exactly what we need to move forward. :)

    1. Well i hope that my beliefs help contribute to this movement. I'm very passionate about it.

  4. Completely agree with your message. Feminism has become a hate movement. They don't care about men's issues which there are plenty they just keep pushing for more and more women's privileges while ignoring everything else around them and attacking anyone that doesn't agree with them.,

    Egalitarianism and humanism is the way forward and it's why I will never call my self a feminist and sign up to their anti-male hatred.

    1. Thank you. I'm so glad people are starting to see the dementia that comes along with the modern feminist movement.

    2. Fighting what you see as a hate movement with your own hate movement is a pretty juvenile way to go about things.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Where did you learn about feminism? I'm trying to figure out what your critique is? These things you're saying feminism is simply aren't true. When you speak about what you feel feminism is, that's great, but this is something else. Feminism doesn't stand for the negative things you're talking about. How many feminists have told you that this is the case...that feminists believe this? Who? If not people, then where did you get this information?

    1. I have done a lot of research on feminisim in fact, as well as speaking to people who choose to label themselves as feminists. All i have recieved is the affirmation of the information I am speaking about in this article. Feminisim is suppose to be supporting all women? Then why do I catch such flack for what I believe in? Why is my right to freedom of speech so wrong when theirs is so right? I also currently have a significant other who was married to a feminist and i have seen the feminist ways screw up his daughter and his psyche first hand. His rights as a father are constantly violated and the whole ordeal has just left a bad taste in my mouth pertaining. Maybe there wouldn't be an anti-feminisim movement if the feminists would control their radicals, but instead they choose to remain silent and let their radicals run amok. But yet when women like me speak out about the radicals of feminisim, we are suddenly the ones to blame?

    2. Tell us Brad - what have you done to maintain the rage against men today

  6. Great article :)
    care to read mine?

  7. the set of men differs profoundly from the set of feminists, not only for the elements they contain, but for the fact that you are born a man, but being a feminist is a choice, which you can make, knowing that if you do, people are going to associate you with feminists.
    So while even if all men but one were wicked, that one would have no political responsibility for the action of the others, because he didn't chose to be a man, a feminist should at least consider to mitigate the actions and affirmations of more extreme feminists.

  8. Thank you for talking about this. I notice these sorts of things often, but I wonder if maybe I'm just biased because I'm a man. My feminist friends tell me feminism is about equality, but then a feminist will say or do something online that will give me doubts about the movement as a whole. I am sure there are plenty of feminists who believe in equality, but its public image doesn't seem to give that impression. So I'm glad there are people out there who share my concerns, so I know I'm not crazy.

  9. Lets not forget valentis..I bathe in male tears. Especially now that a lot of men are getting forward with their own history of abuse. Honestly the actions of feminists speak by themselves. There is no way somebody with a straight face can tell (us) me, that feminism is not misandry at the purest.

  10. Hi!
    I am a feminist, and I am very proud of it. I live in Norway, said to be the most equal society by the UN. However, I do agree with a lot of the things you say, I don't belive that I, or any other woman, is superior to any man. I don't think you're wrong for wanting to be a housewife. Because even if that's something I would never want to do, it's completely up to you, it's your life and you can do whatever you want with it. Which is what feminism is supposed to be about. It's supposed to be about the right to make choices about your own life, your own body and your own mind.
    I am a feminist, but I get extremely angry everytime any woman suggests she's better than any man. Because it's a lie, and per defintion, she isn't a feminist anymore. Like you said in your blog post, feminism is about equality. That's what I want. Like I said, I live in Norway, so what I'm fighting for might not be too relevant here (though men still earn more than women etc) but I know that somewhere else in the world, girls aren't even allowed to go to school when boys are, and that is what I'm fighting for.
    I am a very proud feminist, and it's completely fine with me if you're not. But, I just wanted to say this, so that maybe you'll have a tiny bit of hope restored in something that starte out as an amazing movement, and is the reason why we're both able to write. I know you probably already know and understand that not all feminists are the same, but I just wanted to share my oppinion too, I hope you don't mind.
    Good luck with everything,
    best wishes,
    Hedda x

  11. Hello there,

    I'm making a documentary on the anti-feminist movement and I'd love to hear your thoughts on this post.

    I think you may have been a little bit misguided in some of your facts. Women are often not paid the same as men for equal work, and men are likely to be placed into managerial positions over women who are equally as qualified for the position. Men tend to be paid around $6000-14,000 more per year than women.

    Aside from the other issues surrounding sexism in the Western world (victims of rape being blamed for their own rape, only 2% of rapists being jailed, rape culture, female objectification in the media, women being called sluts for having sex while men are praised, men having less chance of gaining custody of their children simply because they are male, female genital mutilation etc etc) there are other problems surrounding gender elsewhere.

    I noticed you made some points as to why you believe feminism is not needed. I don't know if you know, but these statements aren't true for every women in the world. As someone who wants equality, I imagine you want equal rights for every human in the world, male or female.

    The right the vote
    Not in Saudi Arabia (where additionally, it is illegal for a women to drive) or Vatican City. There is also the issue within government, that men make most of the decisions on women's issues. While these men worked hard to get into government, do you not find it a bit silly that women's healthcare in the US is decided upon by five men and not one woman, and that Iceland have just held a UN Women's Rights Summit without any women present to join in the discussion?

    The right to own a business/property
    Not in Kenya, Uganda or Tanzania.

    The right to equality in the work place and fair pay
    Over an American woman's lifetime, she will have been paid on average $400,000 less than she was entitled to, due to gender discrimination in the work place.

    The right to decide what to do with their body
    I'm sure you are aware of the volume of gang rapes in India, but I don't know if you know that women in some countries like Morocco and Saudi Arabia can be charged with their own rape. The right to decide what happens to your body also extends to whether or not you wish to be pregnant. Here is some information for you on the global rights for this;

    There is absolutely no documentation in the Federal Constitution that entitles women to the same rights as men. The original constitution was also deliberately written to exclude women. No law in the American Constitution exists today to provide men and women equal rights.

    I also presume you know of Malala, the girl who was shot on her way to school. She won the Nobel Peace Prize today. Malala, as a feminist, fights for the right to education for girls that boys already have. Here is some more on her cause for women's rights, that I'll hope you agree we need.

    More restrictions on women's rights:

    Feminism has absolutely nothing to do with the desire to be superior to men, or a dislike of men. It is a movement that fights for men to have the same rights as women, and for women to have the same rights as men.

    Who do you know that has said this? Can you find me any examples of an individual or a group saying any of the nasty things you thing feminists want? Names, print screens, anything. I'd love to hear back from you.

    Kind regards,

